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Sunday, December 07, 2008


失踪日:6th July 2008
Today : 18th Janaury 2009

莊福隆MR. Ch'ng Hock Leong,年齡約80歲左右,身穿白底(豬肝紅)格子衣服,黑色短褲,頭髮稀疏,患有老人痴呆症. 他於七月六日(星期日)下午五時半在北海麥曼珍住宿处离去,至今下落不明,家人非常著急,已經向北海警方报案。如果你有親友住在檳城或北海,希望你能幫忙把消息傳出, 如有善心人士知其踨跡,请速联络电话:017-4495382/017-4374862。

The elderly is Ch'ng Hock Leong, about 80-year-old, wearing a white (red pig liver) lattice clothes, black pants, hair shaved head, has Alzheimer's. 06/07/2008 (Sunday) at 5:30pm, he was seen in the Prai (Mak Mandin) area, then missing. Members of good will, if you have encountered the elderly, please contact 012-4799300;012-4932268 or 017-4495382.

Thank you.